Thursday, January 24, 2008
12:53 PM
Summary of January 2008

So I got abit stuck to Jane Green eversince I went to the library with the urge to bring a novel back home to read.

And though school have start, it doesn't really have any difference on me, maybe because I am still constantly enjoying nightlife.

It was to the cemetery once, and we hear things that you would not believe. Not those normal ghostly howling or shrieking but the dead shouting and roaring for help. For real. You have to be there to believe it.

Azman, the guy I met somewhere, came back to life. We keep in touch again and now he's almost a part of Hawaiians.

Jasper and Jie Kai met with an accident which leads to Jie Kai's right arm permanent disability and Jasper's forehead with 27++ stitches.

O level result is rather disappointing to me. None that I know did well.
School is constantly neglected, I know, a year down my cleavage.

Starting work this friday. I hope I'll do fine but hack, it's just a week job.

Happy belated birthday to Amy Juliana Binte Ibrahim.
Happy belated birthday to Norashnillah Bte Haji Mohd Yusni.

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Monday, January 07, 2008
4:11 PM

School starts a little bit too early. Holidays are always short. It always have to end, And I hate this feeling that comes everytime the holidays come to an end. We will never get enough of holidays especially when we are having far too much fun and had not been doing anything beneficial. Yes, I got what I needed. Those kinda moments.

The last night of the holidays was well-spent at Ris's. A total of 10 of us. We did some cooking. Spicy fried rice, fried chicken with crispy crumbs, french fries, nuggets, potato wedges, onion rings, Fatin-made jemput-jemput, crunchy wantons, fish cakes, french toast and green tea, grape and cherry, not to forget my delicious bandung.

We take almost 3 solid hours to get the food ready after Amy and I dragged ourselves to accompany Ris and Mus to do the shopping. I swear guys can be more fussier than girls are. They are such a pain in the ass when it comes to food. Very very particular and all that. Amy and I were getting so restless, we just grabbed all the finger foods while the guys are still deciding on what flavor the jemput-jemput will be or should they get this and that and this and that. Though it was raining quite heavily, the weather at the wet market was so humid, amy and I was perspiring and it is totally sickening when the guys are taking so long. Nevertheless, we head home as soon as we are done.

And then soon more of the rest arrived at around 7 pm. And soon we have Mus, Ris, Shahir, Jasper, Jie Kai, Amy, Nuhad, Nora, Jas, Khair, Aliff and me. We had our small little kenduri complete with all the doa and all and then we start munching away at 8pm.

All in all, we watched 7 movies throughout the whole night. And damn I tell you my eyes ache. Hahahaha. And I claimed my 8 hours sleep throughout the whole day.

Now, let me get back to the beginning of the hols. On the 15th of December, girlfriends asked me out for dinner. And without me knowing it was actually a SUPER­CALI­FRAGI­LISTIC­EXPI­ALI­DOCIOUS belated birthday celebration for Eeqa and I. Mine falls on the 2nd of October. And Eeqa's falls on 19th of November. Yeah I know, tell me about it. Hahahaha. But yea. Greatness. Effort was made and I really appreciate it girls. Thanks a million.

This entry was delayed due to laziness-to-start-editting photos. So shall we like forget about it, and I'll upload when I feel like it.

And so I am so glad I start and end the holidays with good notes.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
12:37 PM
Hello 2oo8!

So eve of new year was spent with me homies. Though so much I feel like spending it with my clannies, I missed them so much but they decided to watch the fireworks at Woodlands. And that is a definite big NO NO to me because I spent most of 2007 at Woodlands. School! Uuurgh. Sorry guys. Sorry Reella and Ain for not being there to watch and support your performance.

We have our super late dinner at the coffeeshop at Habourfront. And then we proceed to Mount Faber to watch the fireworks. With us running all over the place to catch the fireworks both at Mount Faber and Esplanade, the moment was really priceless. And we kinda regretted for not going to Esplanade for the fireworks there was more happening than what they have at Mount Faber. 8 minutes of non-stop fireworks at Esplanade was awesome. It was so beautiful. Especially when it was spent with friends you have known for years. Amy 14 years of friendship. Nuhad 8 years. Huda 9 years. Nora 6 years. And the rest who are always there to cheer me up.

Fireworks to beautify the night sky of the new year. With the perfect ambiance to go along with. Knowing how much friends can just come and go just like that, forgotten in just a blink of the eye, spending it with the perfect choice of companion, make me just wanna tear. They are the ones who never fail to be on each others side, eventhough the amount of friends they have in their outside world, we never erase us from our hearts, and will never be forgotten and always remember. May our friendship last, love.

And I dunno why, right after the fireworks ceremony, the first person that run into my head is who that leaves me in the dark alone, leaves me when I need him most, bestie. I know, how stupid can I be but I called him to wish him a happy new year and to tell that I missed him so much. Next, ex-boyfriend.

And then it was enjoying the view at Mount Faber and free cable car ride. Breakfast and then home at 6a.m and straight to bed

2007 had been a beautiful year for me. It is the year that most of my "first" happen. Haaha. You know, I know. Like the first time I went to Botanic Garden. And the first time I got a black eye, literally black like how they get it in the dramas after you get a punch. And the first time I soft rebond my hair. The first time I earn more than $600 a month. The first time I got fired, fired for real. The first time I tried the sheesha. The first time I wore a tudung to school, that was silly, it was a dare. The first time I ride a motorcycle. The first motorcycle accident. The first, okeh, it's really alot. And jyea, there's always a first time to everything.

And indeed, this is the year that thought me a lot about friendship. I learnt alot and how to analyse, which are friends that take you for granted, which are friends you should treasure and cherish the friendship, which are friends that will leave you behind alone along with crowd and which are friends that stayed behind to keep you company.

2007 had also change me and turn me into an all-grown up lady, I can really feel the change. Being 17 and 18 is seriously different. There is a huge gap in between them. I am so much more matured now, compared to who I was at this very time, 365 days ago. I'm a year older now and I was having too much fun, I didn't realise, time really does fly like an arrow.

Let's see if I met my resolution for the year 2007 .

"New Year Resolution : School is important . Lose weight . Find LOVE happiness . Have fun to the MAXIMUM !!"

Ok, erm, school? Not really. I know I am going to spend more then I was given to get that piece of paper. But no matter how long it takes, I'm NOT giving up. Lose weight? Indeed. I'm glad but I have a long to go. Happiness? Yes. At home, not yet. And I have fun to the maximum!!!

I really hope 2008 will make me even a better person. I really hope I could stop doing what I enjoyed doing, though I know it is not right. I hope I could lose more and more weight, though I am gaining and losing at the same time so yes, I have to be consistent. And I know so well, time for me to wake up was due a long time ago.

Semoga aku berubah menjadi seorang yang beriman dan mendekati diri kepadaNYA. AMIN.


is thankful for the clothes that fits a lil too snug;
it means she haf enuff to eat .

Bitch Itch


Aidil| Aisha | Eeqa| Fairuz| Farez| Fatimah| Fehrul| Haiyu| HeiRa| Huda| Leeya| Rozi|


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